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方案1 Springboot+Flink实现Kafka复杂JSON解析
方案2 SeaTunnel实现Kafka复杂JSON解析
"magic": "a***G",
"type": "D***",
"headers": null,
"messageSchemaId": null,
"messageSchema": null,
"message": {
"data": {
"LSH": "187eb13****l0214723",
"NSRSBH": "9134****XERG56",
"QMYC": "01*****135468",
"QMZ": "1Zr*****UYGy%2F5bOWtrh",
"QM_SJ": "2023-05-05 16:42:10.000000",
"YX_BZ": "Y",
"ZGHQ_BZ": "Y",
"ZGHQ_SJ": "2023-06-26 16:57:17.000000",
"SKSSQ": 202304,
"SWJG_DM": "",
"SWRY_DM": "00",
"CZSJ": "2023-05-05 16:42:10.000000",
"YNSRSBH": "9134****XERG56",
"SJTBSJ": "2023-06-26 19:29:59.000",
"beforeData": null,
"headers": {
"operation": "INSERT",
"changeSequence": "12440977",
"timestamp": "2023-06-26T19:29:59.673000",
"streamPosition": "00****3.16",
"transactionId": "000***0006B0002",
"changeMask": "0FFF***FF",
"columnMask": "0F***FFFF",
"transactionEventCounter": 1,
"transactionLastEvent": false
实现execution.parallelism = 100
job.mode = "STREAMING"
job.name = "kafka2mysql_ybjc"
execution.checkpoint.interval = 60000
source {
Kafka {
result_table_name = "DZFP_***_QRQM1"
topic = "DZFP_***_QRQM"
bootstrap.servers = "centos1:19092,centos2:19092,centos3:19092"
schema = {
fields {
message = {
data = {
LSH = "string",
NSRSBH = "string",
QMYC = "string",
QMZ = "string",
QM_SJ = "string",
YX_BZ = "string",
ZGHQ_BZ = "string",
ZGHQ_SJ = "string",
SKSSQ = "string",
SWJG_DM = "string",
SWRY_DM = "string",
CZSJ = "string",
YNSRSBH = "string",
SJTBSJ = "string",
SJCZBS = "string"
start_mode = "earliest"
#start_mode.offsets = {
# 0 = 0
# 1 = 0
# 2 = 0
kafka.config = {
auto.offset.reset = "earliest"
enable.auto.commit = "true"
# max.poll.interval.ms = 30000000
max.partition.fetch.bytes = "5242880"
session.timeout.ms = "30000"
max.poll.records = "100000"
transform {
Replace {
source_table_name = "DZFP_***_QRQM1"
result_table_name = "DZFP_***_QRQM2"
replace_field = "message"
pattern = "[["
replacement = ""
#is_regex = true
#replace_first = true
Replace {
source_table_name = "DZFP_***_QRQM2"
result_table_name = "DZFP_***_QRQM3"
replace_field = "message"
pattern = "]]"
replacement = ""
#is_regex = true
#replace_first = true
Split {
source_table_name = "DZFP_***_QRQM3"
result_table_name = "DZFP_***_QRQM4"
# 存在问题:如果字段值存在分隔符 separator,则数据会错位
separator = ","
split_field = "message"
# 你的第一个字段包含在zwf5里面,,前五个占位符是固定的。
output_fields = [zwf1,zwf2,zwf3,zwf4,zwf5,nsrsbh,qmyc,qmz,qm_sj,yx_bz,zghq_bz,zghq_sj,skssq,swjg_dm ,swry_dm ,czsj ,ynsrsbh ,sjtbsj ,sjczbs]
source_table_name = "DZFP_***_QRQM4"
query = "select replace(zwf5 ,'fields=[','') as lsh,nsrsbh,trim(qmyc) as qmyc,qmz,qm_sj,yx_bz, zghq_bz,zghq_sj,skssq,swjg_dm ,swry_dm ,czsj ,ynsrsbh ,sjtbsj ,replace(sjczbs,']}]}','') as sjczbs from DZFP_DZDZ_QRPT_YWRZ_QRQM4 where skssq <> ' null'"
result_table_name = "DZFP_***_QRQM5"
sink {
Console {
source_table_name = "DZFP_***_QRQM5"
jdbc {
source_table_name = "DZFP_***_QRQM5"
url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/dbname?serverTimezone=GMT%2b8"
driver = "com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver"
user = "user"
password = "pwd"
batch_size = 200000
database = "dbname"
table = "tablename"
generate_sink_sql = true
primary_keys = ["nsrsbh","skssq"]
2023-06-26 19:29:59.000
更改之后的值2023-06-26 19:29:59.0,00
kafka-console-producer.sh --topic DZFP_***_QRQM --broker-list centos1:19092,centos2:19092,centos3:19092
"magic": "a***G",
"type": "D***",
"headers": null,
"messageSchemaId": null,
"messageSchema": null,
"message": {
"data": {
"LSH": "187eb13****l0214723",
"NSRSBH": "9134****XERG56",
"QMYC": "01*****135468",
"QMZ": "1Zr*****UYGy%2F5bOWtrh",
"QM_SJ": "2023-05-05 16:42:10.000000",
"YX_BZ": "Y",
"ZGHQ_BZ": "Y",
"ZGHQ_SJ": "2023-06-26 16:57:17.000000",
"SKSSQ": 202304,
"SWJG_DM": "",
"SWRY_DM": "00",
"CZSJ": "2023-05-05 16:42:10.000000",
"YNSRSBH": "9134****XERG56",
"SJTBSJ": "2023-06-26 19:29:59.0,00",
"beforeData": null,
"headers": {
"operation": "INSERT",
"changeSequence": "12440977",
"timestamp": "2023-06-26T19:29:59.673000",
"streamPosition": "00****3.16",
"transactionId": "000***0006B0002",
"changeMask": "0FFF***FF",
"columnMask": "0F***FFFF",
"transactionEventCounter": 1,
"transactionLastEvent": false
execution.parallelism = 5
job.mode = "STREAMING"
job.name = "kafka2mysql_ybjc_yh"
execution.checkpoint.interval = 60000
source {
Kafka {
result_table_name = "DZFP_***_QRQM1"
topic = "DZFP_***_QRQM"
bootstrap.servers = "centos1:19092,centos2:19092,centos3:19092"
schema = {
fields {
message = {
data = "map<string,string>"
start_mode = "earliest"
#start_mode.offsets = {
# 0 = 0
# 1 = 0
# 2 = 0
kafka.config = {
auto.offset.reset = "earliest"
enable.auto.commit = "true"
# max.poll.interval.ms = 30000000
max.partition.fetch.bytes = "5242880"
session.timeout.ms = "30000"
max.poll.records = "100000"
transform {
source_table_name = "DZFP_***_QRQM1"
result_table_name = "DZFP_***_QRQM2"
# 这里的qdmx就是我自定义的UDF函数,具体实现下文详细讲解。。。
query = "select qdmx(message,'lsh') as lsh,qdmx(message,'nsrsbh') as nsrsbh,qdmx(message,'qmyc') as qmyc,qdmx(message,'qmz') as qmz,qdmx(message,'qm_sj') as qm_sj,qdmx(message,'yx_bz') as yx_bz,qdmx(message,'zghq_bz') as zghq_bz,qdmx(message,'zghq_sj') as zghq_sj,qdmx(message,'skssq') as skssq,qdmx(message,'swjg_dm') as swjg_dm,qdmx(message,'swry_dm') as swry_dm,qdmx(message,'czsj') as czsj,qdmx(message,'ynsrsbh') as ynsrsbh, qdmx(message,'sjtbsj') as sjtbsj,qdmx(message,'sjczbs') as sjczbs from DZFP_DZDZ_QRPT_YWRZ_QRQM1"
sink {
Console {
source_table_name = "DZFP_***_QRQM2"
jdbc {
source_table_name = "DZFP_***_QRQM2"
url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/dbname?serverTimezone=GMT%2b8"
driver = "com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver"
user = "user"
password = "pwd"
batch_size = 200000
database = "dbname"
table = "tablename"
generate_sink_sql = true
primary_keys = ["nsrsbh","skssq"]
import cn.hutool.core.util.StrUtil;
import cn.hutool.json.JSONObject;
import cn.hutool.json.JSONUtil;
import com.google.auto.service.AutoService;
import org.apache.seatunnel.api.table.type.BasicType;
import org.apache.seatunnel.api.table.type.SeaTunnelDataType;
import org.apache.seatunnel.transform.sql.zeta.ZetaUDF;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
public class QdmxUDF implements ZetaUDF {
public String functionName() {
return "QDMX";
public SeaTunnelDataType<?> resultType(List<SeaTunnelDataType<?>> list) {
return BasicType.STRING_TYPE;
// list 参数实例:(也就是kafka 解析过来的数据)
//SeaTunnelRow{tableId=, kind=+I, fields=[{key1=value1,key2=value2,.....}]}
public Object evaluate(List<Object> list) {
String str = list.get(0).toString();
//1 Remove the prefix
str = StrUtil.replace(str, "SeaTunnelRow{tableId=, kind=+I, fields=[{", "");
//2 Remove the suffix
str = StrUtil.sub(str, -3, 0);
// 3 build Map key value
Map<String, String> map = parseToMap(str);
if ("null".equals(map.get(list.get(1).toString())))
return "";
// 4 return the value of the key
return map.get(list.get(1).toString());
public static Map<String, String> parseToMap(String input) {
Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>();
// 去除大括号 在字符串阶段去除
// input = input.replaceAll("[{}]", "");
// 拆分键值对
String[] pairs = input.split(", ");
for (String pair : pairs) {
String[] keyValue = pair.split("=");
if (keyValue.length == 2) {
String key = keyValue[0].trim().toLowerCase();
String value = keyValue[1].trim();
map.put(key, value);
return map;
mvn -T 8 clean install -DskipTests -Dcheckstyle.skip -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true
这个项目里面,我图方便,上传了两个。Apache SeaTunnel